To read a file, we use a context manager. The most widely used context manager is the with
statement. Use the following code to open the attached file "shakespeare.txt":
with open(filename, "r") as file:
text =
with open("shakespeare.txt", "r") as file:
text =
function to determine the type of text.¶
which accepts a string of text and returns the string with all punctuations and new line characters removed.¶def remove_punctuation(txt):
"""Convert text to lower case. Use the function replace(replacedtext,newtext) to
remove \n and punctuations from text: punc = [".",":",",",";","'",'"', "!","?"]
Then return text."""
# lower text by calling the method lower() on the string
# replace \n with a SPACE
# loop through punc and replace each punctuation with empty string ""
# remember to return the text!
def frequency(text):
"""Returns dictionary of word:counts key-value pairs."""
# create empty dictionary
# create list of individual words of all of Shakespeare's texts(Hint: Call split())
# loop through list of words
# add to dictionary. Remember to check to see if a word is in the dictionary first.
# return the dictionary
def text_stats(text):
"""Given a text, returns a TUPLE of total words and total unique words.
Remember to call remove_punctuation and frequency above."""
# call remove_punctuation function
# call frequency function
# compute the total words
# compute total unique words
# return the tuple
implemented above.¶from collections import Counter
text = remove_punctuation(text)
counter = Counter(text.split())
from collections import Counter
# the function frequency we implement above have already been implemented
# in the Counter class. Counter has a nice function most_common
# that returns the most common occurring words in a text.
which accepts an integer n and returns the n most common occurring words. Call most_common to see the top 20 most occuring words in all of Shakespeare's works.¶
with open("stopwords.txt", 'r') as file:
# create an empty list stop_words
# loop through each line of file(line is a str of words separated by tabs('\t'))
# call split() on line passing in "\t" as separator
# loop through each word of line
# apppend word to list, don't forget to call strip() to strip away any new line character
# at the end of each line as well as any leading/trailing spaces